Sunday, February 1, 2009

News Flash: Michael Phelps Smokes Pot

A picture surfaced of Michael Phelps smoking marijuana from a large bong. Good for him.

Phelps later had to apologize, even though he's in top physical condition and has already won fourteen gold medals, he isn't allowed to partake in the safest of recreational drugs. What a weird world we live in.

I'd hope that speculation that Phelps will lose all sorts of endorsement deals are nonsense. He was arrested for a DUI (something obviously much worse for society than pot smoking) in my hometown of Salisbury, MD in 2004 and has done alright since that incident.

My hope for an Obama age is a realization that the war on drugs, specifically marijuana, is a misguided, puritan waste of money.

Update: Great article on Phelps and Marijuana policy at The Huffington Post.

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