I'm excited to be directing & co-producing Veritas, a play based on those real-life events, at The 2010 New York International Fringe Festival. Our performances begin in mid-August, but we need your help to get this production on its feet now.
For $100 or more, you will receive two VIP tickets to any performance of Veritas at the Fringe. You can get your tickets before they go on sale AND have the best seats in the house. Another bonus: $60 of your $100 is tax deductible.
The story of Veritas is timely and the cast features some of Broadway's best young actors. Our benefit reading last month attracted so many theatergoers that we had to add extra seating for the sell-out crowd. You don't want to be turned away this year at the Fringe, when you can reserve two VIP seats now.
Even if you don’t want premium seats in advance, we are grateful for any tax deductible donation you can make. Whether it’s $5, $10 or $20, your generosity will have a significant impact on the success of Veritas and sharing this important story.
Thanks for all your support,
Ryan J. Davis
Director & Co-Producer, Veritas
Photo from May 2010 reading cast.